Welcome to my website!

Hello, folks!

I thought it was high time that I dedicated a website to this musical journey that I am on. This site will serve as a hub for all things Joel Brogon - upcoming shows, links to press, announcements - well, you get the picture. I'll be sharing current content as well as items of interest from the past.

The photo above is from my first "real" show back in 2018 at Cafe Karma on South Padre Island, Texas. I was one of three acts that night; I was there with Amie Bluestone and Pamela Oliver Munoz, two uber-talented singer songwriters. I was nervous, but made it through! I was definitely hooked after that evening and knew I had to share my music whenever possible. Five years later I am even more committed to doing just that!

I hope that you will visit my website often and would love any feedback you have for me! You can always email me for more information at brogonsmusic@gmail.com!

Joel Brogon


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