Happy Valentine's Day

My grandmother spent her last years in a care home due to her advanced Alzheimer's disease. For a time, she befriended a gentleman there who also suffered from either dementia or Alzheimer's. It was such a precious thing to see, him holding her hand, walking down the hall with her, sitting with her...it was so beautiful that it just broke your heart. I don't know if either one of them really understood romance by that stage, but the care and attention they both gave to each other spoke of love. 

My mother sent me a photo of her gentleman friend holding her hand as she was receiving therapy after a fall, and it inspired me to write this song. 

Another special aspect of this recording is that I chose to record it using the Mountain Dulcimer my father and I built from a kit 1n 1992 from McSpadden's Dulcimer Shoppe in Mountain View, Arkansas.



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